Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Education Experience

Throughout my life I have went to three schools, Blue Mountain Elementary East, Blue Mountain Middle School, and Blue Mountain High School. These three schools, each a higher class of education has taught me well and got me where I needed to be today. Each of these schools had higher standards of one another, but that is of course expected because each school had higher grade levels that expected more out of you. But the schools I have went to, I cannot complain about because I have enjoyed those years very much and helped guide me along the way.

My first school, Blue Mountain Elementary East, consisted of kindergarten through fifth grade. Our school consisted of many different kids from around the world and of different living situations, but we didn’t really call ourselves a “class” but if it was a class it would be more likely the middle class. Some kids you can tell had more money than others but we all acted like we were the same. Those were the simple days. How this school had taught us was really just the basics. We learned the material that we needed to learn to proceed to the next grade. We were taught the alphabet, numbers, spelling, and mathematical problems. For example, the mathematical problems, how the teachers would teach us is by lecture. In the lecture the teachers would do practice problems on what we were learning, for example, fractions. Then she or he would give us homework for the next day to go over and to see if we had any questions, if we did they would show it on the board so we could see our mistake. If we couldn’t find it, the teacher was more than happy to help any kids after class.  The procedure for how we learned went basically for everything besides numbers and the alphabet, we learned them by saying it after the teacher said it. The way the teachers helped us after class and provided us with their attention helped my want to be successful in the near future.


(Blue Mountain Elementary East)


            The second school I went to that helped me along with my life/career was Blue Mountain Middle School, which held 6th-8th grade students. This higher up school was more in the middle class unlike the elementary school. This is when the kids would show off what they had that other kids didn’t. Also this school started to introduce technology usage on what we needed to do and the uses for it. For some kids it was harder because of their type of living arrangement. Some couldn’t afford computers or other electronic devices to help them practice using technology at home so when it came to class they needed more assistance. This is also when teachers would start giving us online homework assignments, so the kids that had low budget parents had a hard time trying to get the work done. The teachers though were really nice and compassionate that they worked with those kids at school to get them familiar with a computer and helped them with their assignments before they went home.

The way this school taught us was we had a set schedule of eight classes a day. Each of those classes was in different rooms with different teachers and students. This is when school became tricky because teachers were expecting more out of you then when we were in elementary school. Again, we learned the basic material we needed for to proceed to the next grade and to prepare us kids for the big board tests to show the board of directors how good the teachers were at teaching us, for example, the PSSA’s. Our school to would always come up one of the top five for our test scores, so their strategy of teaching us kids had to work and all they did was do lectures up in front of the class and did practice problems. On the other hand, we also went on field trips to make what we were learning fun.  This enhanced me to learn more because I enjoyed it. This then helped me get the grades for the goal I wanted to achieve.

(Blue Mountain Middle School)


            Lastly, the third school I went to was Blue Mountain High School. This consisted of 9th- 12th grade. Now this school wasn’t really associated with a type of class because once again everyone was helping each other out and everyone felt the same around one another. The middle school was an awkward stage where everyone thought they were better than one another but the high school everyone believed and saw that we were all equal again. Our school was good among the staff and students, like a big happy family.

            How we were taught in this school was having a schedule consisting of eight classes with a wide range of basic, college prep or honor classes that kids were placed in. Now in this school we had lots of speeches and projects to get us into the college experience and on the college level. For the one project we did the teacher put us in groups to present Greek Mythology.  We were graded harder based on projects, speeches and tests. The tests were still graded on a lenient side because we still got study guides when the teachers would finish their lectures but for the most part it was getting harder. The high school pushed us to be at that college level, especially for the SAT’s and the real world.  So the high school really affected my career because I felt I needed to get good grades to make it to college to become the nurse I wanted to be. So during these last couple of years of high school I pushed myself to strive for the best.

(Blue Mountain High School)

The different learning experiences got me where I am today and I am very happy that the Blue Mountain School District helped me learn everything I needed to. My school helped me get on the path where I wanted to be on and I couldn’t be more proud of being a Blue Mountain graduate.


  1. I enjoyed learning about the schools you went to and how each one was a bit different.

  2. Forgot to add, its awesome Blue Mountain High School has such a positive effect on you! - Noalani H Wri 100

  3. From your post I gather middle school and high school was an improvement to elementary school; the structure was "middle class" while elementary school was "working class". This is also the case in my educational background, middle school was an improvement to elementary school. It seems across the board the divide becomes more pronounced in middle school.
