Friday, February 20, 2015

Education Reflection

When I had to write my first college paper for Writing 100 I was full of mixed emotions, but mainly I was scared. Writing papers is not really my specialty. I am always afraid that it is not going to be good enough no matter how hard I try. I could never get my ideas down on paper, but actually when I am scared it helps me to put thoughts down on paper and that is how I began to write to my rough draft.

          My first step that I did was write my rough draft. What helped me in the process was being scared, it helped me too push myself to put my thoughts onto    paper. While I pushed myself I began to say “oh my god how am I going to get this done or what am I going to do”. All these things began rushing through my head. Little sayings like that help me to write. But one of my biggest concerns is I feel like it has to be perfect even though it is a rough draft, also if what I am doing is right. Sometimes I get all in a panic and be like “I’m I doing this right, maybe I’m not.” I panic over the little things. I strive to do my best so I can show the teacher what I am capable of. Also listening to music puts me in a good mood and motivates me which can help me put my thoughts on paper.

          Afterwards, is revising my paper. Even though we did peer revisions in class, what I also do is go to my mom for help to read over it, she helps me be motivated by the words she says to me for example, “Aww you did a good job writing your paper, it is clear, understandable and you get your point across”. She always seems to tell me that I did a good job but there are a few spelling and grammar mistakes. Now I feel like my mom just says that to be nice which some people I am sure can relate. But I think that is what moms just do.

          Lastly, what I do is my final draft. Once I have it revised and finished my final copy I submit my paper online in the drop box in my Writing 100 class. Once I have it finished I become happy and relieved that it is done and over with, but then I get in my panic mode for when it is time to hand back the papers to see what my grade is. I’m sure people can relate getting all afraid about getting their grade back. I just want to try my best and make the teacher want to enjoy and remember the paper I wrote. I want to make myself proud along with my parents and teacher. Each time I write a paper I am going to try to come up with new ways to motivate myself along with different strategies to get the paper done.



1 comment:

  1. I also feel like my writing is never "good enough" or "grown up enough" for a college class. We have similar writing styles to each other. My mom also encourages me. She can tell by the tone of my voice or the look on my face that I am stressed about something. She tells me to relax and that I will do great. I don't always believe her, but most of the time she ends up being write.
