Friday, January 30, 2015

Interview with the One and Only Olivia V.

For our first blog post we had to do an interview with someone we didn’t really know all that well. I was able to interview this wonderful, smart and very interesting girl Olivia. Olivia is very interesting because the clues that I was trying to put together when I first saw her at Cedar Crest College was actually not who she was. She has one of those mysterious lifestyles, which you just want to listen to everything she has to say.


            Who I really thought Olivia was, was a sweet, smart and very bubbly, like an outgoing person. When she told me she was quiet, calm and independent I could not believe it because you would always see her talking with students or other teachers. But she did say that being around people now since college had started brought her out of her shell.


            Olivia has been really into old movies and fashion, that she even developed a vast knowledge for it. So if you have a question about old movies and fashion she could probably answer it for you.  Being into old movies made her reveal that she strongly believed she should be in a different time period like the past instead of this generation. She thinks the past generation would have been a better fit for her. 


            When it came to asking Olivia about what she thought of college in high school, she said, “She never really put thought into it” mainly because her mom was a professor at a college, so she always experienced college at a young age. The college her mom worked at had a preschool in the basement where Olivia went to as a child. The students that her mom taught were her babysitters that had to watch over her. Being able to grow up around colleges made her feel like she was special because she was able to experience theater events and go to meetings with her mom. Really none of which many other kids get that chance to be around colleges that young in age.


            What made her decide to go to college after high school was to see if she can handle the experience of being on her own and most importantly continuing her education. She thought of Cedar Crest College because it’s an all-girl school and her favorite the movie, Mona Lisa Smile has influenced her to head in that direction of an all-girl school. So Cedar Crest College was where she chose to go.


            Now knowing what I know about Olivia, with her interest of history, to me has intrigued to know more about her in the future. Also what she thought about college became one fabulous story on why she never gave it much thought. With all of this in mind, I had a great time interviewing Olivia and wish her the best in the future and the best of luck.





Monday, January 26, 2015